Bronze Velvet Tie

Cravate Prestige
SKU: 33028297033-Photo Colors 2
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Bronze Velvet Tie
  • Bronze Velvet Tie


Bronze Velvet Tie – Elegance and Refinement for Your Outfits

Whether it's a fancy evening, wedding or special occasion, the Bronze Velvet Tie will complete your look with ease. Its lustrous appearance and rich texture add an elegant dimension to any formal outfit. Easy to pair with a white or black shirt, this tie will add an effortless touch of sophistication.

Choose understated luxury with the Bronze Velvet Tie and leave a memorable impression at every event.

Discover the Bronze Velvet Tie , the essential fashion accessory for a unique and sophisticated style.

Bring a touch of luxury and sophistication to your wardrobe with this Bronze Velvet Tie . Crafted from premium velvet, it combines comfort, style and elegance. Its subtle bronze colour and soft fabric create a stunning contrast, perfect for standing out at the most elegant events.

Whether it's a fancy evening, wedding or special occasion, the Bronze Velvet Tie will complete your look with ease. Its lustrous appearance and rich texture add an elegant dimension to any formal outfit. Easy to pair with a white or black shirt, this tie will add an effortless touch of sophistication.

Choose understated luxury with the Bronze Velvet Tie and leave a memorable impression at every event.

Color: Bronze Velvet Tie

Luxury Men's and Women's Ties

Length: 145cm

Width: 7cm

Material: Velvet and Polyester

Custom Tab 01

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